Pictures of
Guillaume Dufay
French composer
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Dufay was a French composer and was possibly the leading composer of his era. Dufay music includes: church music including mass settings and motets; and secular music including over seventy chansons.

Guillaume Dufay (left) together with fellow composer, Gilles Binchois. The date is about 1440. Dufay stands beside a portative organ; Binchois holds a harp. (The source of this image is a miniature in a French manuscript, Martin le Franc's Le champion des dames.)

Alma redemptoris mater by Guillaume Dufay (from a manuscript held at Bologna University)
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Author: David Paul Wagner
(David Paul Wagner on Google+)
Note: This picture gallery page includes drawings, paintings, photos and images of Guillaume Dufay, his music, activities, friends and family, and the various places where the composer lived and wrote.