Balalaika Pictures
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A Russian balalaika. This instrument is a form of folk lute. It has a resonating belly and long neck, and strings that run from the base of the belly and right along the full length of the neck.

The balalaika viewed from the rear

A contrabass balaleika.
(Photo: tomoslavmedak.)

Two balalaikas and a harp pictured at the Leiziger Herbstmesse (the Leipzig Autumn Fair), Germany, in 1954.
(Photo: Deutsche Fotothek.)

Balalaika (center) depicted on a 1989 Soviet stamp, along with other traditional music instruments: (from left to right) spoons, gusli, zhaleika and garmonika.

Vasily Vasilevich Andreyev posing with a balalaika in the 1880s.
Andreyev was responsible for the modern popularity of the balalaika which until the 19th cenutry was an instrument played by the peasants. With the help of a professional instrument maker, he developed this instrument and promoted its use for playing popular Russian music and light classical pieces.
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Author: David Paul Wagner
(David Paul Wagner on Google+)
Note: This picture gallery page features photos (photographs) of balalaikas, plus drawings, paintings, diagrams, images and illustrations of them.