Koto Pictures
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Japanese 13-stringed koto
(Photo: Smgregory.)

Woman playing the koto, a traditional Japanese stringed instrument

Mieko Miyazaki playing the koto, during a concert at the Musée Guimet, Paris, France.
Mieko Miyazaki started learning the koto at the age of nine. She studied under Tomizo Huruya and Sachiko Tamura, and afterwards at the Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music. She has had the honor of playing before the Emperor and Empress of Japan at the Imperial Palace. She is an player of the top rank, having performed in concerts in Asia, Europe and America. Her repertoire includes classical and traditional works as well as some of her own compositions. In 2006, one of her original compositions, "The Current", was voted as one of the 30 most beautiful works of all time for the koto.
-- Adapted from information on official website of Mieko Miyazaki
(Photo: Jean-Pierre Dalbéra.)

A Japanese woman playing the koto.
(Artist: Hasegawa Settei, 1878.)
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Author: David Paul Wagner
(David Paul Wagner on Google+)
Note: This picture gallery page features photos (photographs) of kotos, plus drawings, paintings, diagrams, images and illustrations of them.