Lavender's Blue, Dilly Dilly
Nursery Rhyme / Song for Small Children

Lavender's Blue, dilly dilly,
Lavender's Green:
When I am king, dilly dilly,
You shall be queen.
Call up your men, dilly dilly,
Set them to work:
Some to the plough, dilly dilly
Some to the cart.
Some to make hay, dilly dilly
Some to reap corn:
While you and I, dilly dilly
Keep ourselves warm.
Lavender's Blue, dilly dilly,
Lavender's Green:
When I am king, dilly dilly,
You shall be queen.
Call up your men, dilly dilly,
Send them to war:
While you and I, dilly dilly
Keep ourselves warm.
Lavender's Blue, dilly dilly,
Lavender's Green:
When I am king, dilly dilly,
You shall be queen.
Click here to listen to Lavender's Blue, Dilly Dilly (piano version)
(This song dates back to 1750.
The above poster showing lavenders is available from