Pictures of
The Marriage of Figaro
(Italian title: Le Nozze di Figaro)
An Opera by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

A performance of The Magic Flute with Frieda Hempel (as Suzanna), Margarete Matzenauer (as the Countess) and Geraldine Farrar (as Cherubino). The date and place of this performance is believed to have been about 1916 in the Metropolitan Opera House, New York.

Cherubino hides behind Susanna's chair as the Count arrives (Scene from Act 1 of Mozart's opera Le nozze di Figaro [The Marriage of Figaro])
(Anonymous 19th century watercolor painting)
Author: David Paul Wagner
(David Paul Wagner on Google+)
Note: This picture gallery page includes drawings, paintings, photos and images of performances of the opera, The Marriage of Figaro, as well as of the opera singers, stage sets, manuscripts, and more.