D. The name of the second degree of C major, the normal major scale.
Da (It.). From, by, about, of, for.Sonata da chiesa, church sonata ; sonata da camera, chamber sonata.
Da capo (It.), or abbreviated, D.C. From the beginning. The words al fine or al segno (v. Da capo al fine, and Da capo al segno) are generally understood. As an exclamation after a performance this expression is synonymous with encore.
Da capo al fine (It.)- From the beginning to the endi.e., repeat
the piece from the beginning to the end or to where the word
Fine or a ^ stands. Da capo al segno (It.). From the beginning to the sign. This
expression has, however, also been used in the sense of "Repeat
from the sign."
Da capo al segno, poi [segue] la coda (It.). From the be-ginning to the sign, then [follows] the coda. Da capo senza replica or senza ripetizione (It.). From the
beginning without repetition. For instance : Minuetto da capo senza replica [or senza ripetizione]. Play the minuet again, but don't repeat the parts. D'accord (Fr.). In tune.
Dach (Ger.). Lit., " roof." The upper part of the sound-box of a stringed instrument. The belly of a violin, &c.
Dactyl. A metrical foot consisting of three syllables, the first long, the two others short: -- *'
Dactylion (Gk.). An instrument invented by H. Herz, with a view to assist pianists in making their fingers independent and of equal strength and suppleness. It consists of ten rings that hang above the keyboard and are fastened to steel springs.
Daina. A kind of Lithuanian folk-song that has love and friendship for its subject. Dainos is the plural of daina.
Dagli, Dai, dal, dall', dalla, dalle, dallo (It.). Contractions of the preposition da and the masculine and feminine, singular and plural, forms of the definite article il, lo (m. sing), i, gli (m. plur.), la (f. sing), le (f. plur.).
Dal segno (It.). From the sign (_$'_). Dal segno al segno,
from the sign to the sign. This last expression implies that there are two signs in the piece, and that the portion lying between them is to be repeated, (v. Introduction, p. 54.)
Damper. (1) That part of the mechanism of the pianoforte which checks the vibration of the strings, and consequently stops the sound. (2) The mute of brass wind instruments.
Dämpfer (Ger.). A damper ; a mute.
Dämpfung (Ger.). (1) Damping, muffling. (2) The part of ihr
pianoforte action which stops the vibrations of the strings. Darmsaiten (Ger.). Catgut strings. Daumen (Ger.). The thumb. Daumenaufsatz (Ger.). Thumb position. D dur (Ger.). D major. Debile, or debole (It.). Feeble, weak. D6but (Fr.). A first appearance.
Döbutant (Fr.). A male performer who appears for the first time. Debutante (Fr.). A female performer who appears for the first time.
Decachord (Ger.), Decacorde (F'r.). An instrument of the guitar family with ten strings.
Decamerone (It.). Decameron, a collection consisting of ten parts.
Decani (Lat.). Of the Dean. The Decani side in a cathedral choir is that on which the dean sits, opposite to the cantoris side, that on which the Precentor sits.
Deceptive cadence. An interrupted cadence, (v. Cadence.)
Décidé (Fr.). Decided, with decision.
Decima (Lat. and It.). The tenth, the interval of a tenth.
Decima nona (Lat. and It.). The interval of a nineteenth.
SftfflSS1, I The interva. of an eighteenth. Decima quarta (Lat. and It.). The interval of a fourteenth. Decima quinta (Lat. and It.). The interval of a fifteenth. Decima septhr.a (Lat.). The interval of a seventeenth. Decima sesta (It.). The interval of a sixteenth Decima settima (It.). The interval of a seventeenth. Decima sexta (Lat.). The interval of a sixteenth. Decima tertia (Lat.). ) TU _ . i <o .u-_ .u Decima terzia (It.), j The lnterval of a lh"**-Decimole (Ger.). A decuplet. Deciso (It.). Decided, in a decided manne».
Decke (Ger.). The upper part of the sound-box of stringed instru ments. The belly of the violin, &c.
Declamando (It-). Declaiming, in a declamatory style.
Declamation. The art of rendering words with the proper pro-nunciation, accentuation, and expression. The mastery of this art is as necessary to the singer as to the speaker.
Décomposé (Fr.). Unconnected ; decomposed.
Decrescendo (It.). Decreasing in loudness. Instead of the word
the following sign is often used ~ -
Decuplet. A group of ten notes formed by the division of a bar or part of a bar into ten equal parts
Deductio (Lat.). (i) The ascending scale in the Aretinian system. (2) Two chords of which the second resolves the dissonance of the first.
Deflciendo (It.). Dying away. Degré I Fr.). Degree.
Del, deiT della, delle dello (It.). Of the.
Deliberatamente (It.). Deliberately.
Deliberato (It.). Deliberate, in a deliberate manner.
Delicatamente (It.). Delicately.
Delicato (It.). Delicate, in a delicate, refined manner.
Délié (Fr.). Loose, light, easy.
Delirio fit.). Madness. Con dtlirio, frantically.
Démancher (Fr.). To shift, an expression used in connection with
instruments of the violin and lute species. Demande (Fr.). The subject of a fugue.
Demi-bàton (Fr.). A two-bar rest. It consists of a vertical bar ex-tending from one line of the stave to the one next to it.
Demi-cadence (Fr.). A half cadence, {v. Cadence.)
Demi-jeu (Fr.). This term is used in instrumental music and corre-sponds with mezza voce and mezzo forte. It is especially to be met with in organ and harmonium music, signifying with half the power of the instrument.
Demi-mesure (Fr.). Half a bar.
Demi-pause (Fr.). A minim rest.
Demi-quart de soupir (Fr.). A demisemiquaver rest. Demisemiquaver. A note equal in duration to one fourth of a quav«i and one twenty-fourth of a semibreve. A demi-N
semiquaver note has this form ^, a demisemiquaver rest this tj
(v. Introduction, § IX., p. 17.) Demi-SOUpir (Fr.). A quaver rest. Demi-ton (Fr.). A semitone.
Derivatives. Chords derived from others by inversion. Thus, for instance, the chords of thi". sixth and of the fourth and sixth are derivatives, {v. Introduction, $ VIII., pp. 15, 16. )
Des (Ger.). D flat.
Descant, v. Discant.
Des dur (Ger.). D flat major.
Dessin (Fr.). Design or plan.
Dessus (Fr.). The treble, the highest vocal part.
Desto (It.). Sprightly.
Destra (It.). Right; as manodestra, the right hand. Détaché (Fr.). Detached, staccato.
Determinate (It.). Determinate, in a resolute manner. Détonation (Fr.). The act of singing out of tune. False in.
Détonner (Fr.). To sing out of tune.
Detto (It.). Said, named ; as il detto stromento, the said in-strument.
Deutsche (Ger.), v. Deutsche Tänze. Deutsche Flöte (Ger.). The German flute.
Deutscher Bass (Ger.). German bass. An obsolete instrument, almost equal in size to the double bass, with five or six catgut strings.
Deutsche Tänze, or simply Deutsche (Ger.). Lit., "German
dances." A name of the old slow waltzes. Deuxième position (Fr.). The second position of the hand, th«
half shift, on instruments of the violin class, (v. Position.) DeUX quatre (Fr.). The mesure à deux quatre is \ time. Devoto (It.)- Devout ; devoted.
Devozione (It.). Devotion.Con devozione, with devotion. Dextra (Lat.). Right; as manus dextra, the right hand; manu rfsxtra, with the right hand.
Dj (It). Of, from, to, &c.
Diagramma (Gk.). A diagram. This term had different meanings at different times. The Greeks applied it to their scale of fifteen notes and its division into tetrachords and their nomenclature. In later times it was applied to the stave and the signature, and to a score or a part copied out of a score.
DialogO (It.), Dialogue (Fr.). A dialogue. A composition in which two single parts or two choirs (voices or instruments) dis-course with each other, now alternately, now conjointly.
Diapason (Gk.). (i) An octave. (2) The compass of a voice or instrument. (3) Pitch ; as the diapason normal of the French. (4) The English name of the organ stops which the Italians and Germans call characteristically "principal" (Principaie, Principal). The Diapasons are the most important foundation stops of the organ.*
Diapason cum diapente (Lat.). Octave with the fifth, the interval of a twelfth.
Diapason cum diatessaron (Lat.). Octave with the fourth the interval of an eleventh.
Diapente (Gk. and Lat.). The interval of a fifth.
Diapente cum ditono (Lat.). A major seventh.
Diapente cum semiditono (Lat.). A minor seventh. Diapente cum semitonio (Lat.). A miftor sixth.
Diapente cum tono (Lat.). A major sixth.
Diapentisare (Lat.). (1) To make progressions of fifths. (2) To proceed by fifths in tuning a piano.
Diapnony. (1) In Greek music it meant dissonance, as symphony meant consonance. (2) One of the earliest attempts at simul-taneous combination of notes in the middle ages. It preceded discant, which in its turn was followed by counterpoint.
Diascllisma (Gk.). This term is to be met with in mathematical calculations of the ratios of intervals. It is the name of various small intervals not used in practical music.
Diastema (Gk.). An interval.
Diatessaron (Gk.). The interval of a fourth.
Diatonic. (1) In modern music we call diatonic the scale in which tones predominate, in distinction from the chromatic scale which consists entirely of semitones. There are two modes of the dia-tonic scale, the major and the minor, (v. Introduction, § V.) Diatonic notes and interval* are such notes and intervals as the diatonic scale contains ; and diatonic progressions or chords are such progressions and chords as consist of intervals and notes belonging to the diatonic scale. (2) The Greeks called one of their three genera of music diatonicthe other two they called chromatic and enharmonicthe tetrachord of this genus consisting of a semitone and two tones (for instance, e,f, g, a).
Diaulos (Gk.). Double flute.
Diazeuxis (Gk.). In the Greek system the separation of two tetra chords by the interval of a tone.
Dichord. (i) A two-stringed instrument. (2) An instrument the
strings of which are tuned in pairs. Diesare (It.). To put a sharp in the signature or before a note. Dièse ( Fr. ). A sharp. Diéser ( Fr. ). The same as diesare.
Diesis (Gk. ). (i) A term which has been applied to various small intervals, mostly to intervals smaller than a semitone. (2) The name given to the sharp in Italy and also in France.
Diezeugmenon (Gk. ). Disjunct. Thus the Greeks called the tetrachord which was separated from the one below it by the interval of a tone. (v. Greek Music. )
Difference tones, v. Resultant tones.
Difficile lit. and Fr.). Difficult.
Digitorium. A small, portable, dumb instrument with five keys for
exercising the lingers. Di grado (It.). By degrees ; step by step.
Dilettante. A lover and admirer of one of the fine arts. One who more or less occupies himself with an art, but does not follow it professionally nor seriously.
Diludium ( Lat. ). An interlude.
Diluendo (It.). Diminishing in loudness ; dying away.
Diminished intervals. Those which are a semitone less ttian minor and perfect intervals.
Diminuendo (It.). Diminishing in loudness.
Diminutio (Lat.). Diminution {a.v.). In the plural Diminutiones.
Diminution. (1) The changing of the notes of a subject or theme into notes of shorter duration, while keeping intact their melodic progression. (2) Florid divisions of principal notes into rhyth-mically smaller and melodically differentiated notes ; coloralure. (3) The shortening, generally by one half, of the time-value of notes in the old mensurable music.
Diminuzione (It.). Diminution (q.v.). In the pluralDiminuzioni.
Di molto (It.). Very ; as Allegro di molto, very quick.
Dioxia (Gk. ). The name given by the Greeks to the interval of the fifth before the introduction of the term diapente.
Diphonium (Lat.). A piece of music for two voices.
Direct. The sign w, which used to be placed at the end of a line or page to indicate the following note. Another sign will be found among the "Signs now or formerly used in Music." (v. Intrc duction, p. 55.)
Directeur (Fr.). A director; a conductor.
Direct motion. Similar motion. Motion of several parts in the
same direction, (v. Motion.) Dirge. A song or instrumental piece of a mournful character intended
to commemorate death or accompany funeral rites.
ESIle^Ger.). } To conduct, to direct.
Diritta (It.). Straight, direct.Alia diritta, "in direct motion,' ill the sen>e of "by degrees," not "by leaps."
Dis(Ger.). D sharp.
Di Salto (It.)- By leaps, or skips.
Discant. Lit., "diverse song." (I) One of the early phases ol counterpoint. The term signified at first the addition of a melody to a melody. Afterwards, however, the number of the parts was not limited. According to the number of parts employed the discant was double, triple, or quadruple. (2) The highest kind of the human voice, the soprano, or treble. Also the highest member of a family of instruments, the highest register of an instrument, and the highest part of a composition.
Discantgeige (Ger.). An obsolete name of the violin.
Discantist (Ger.). A treble, or soprano, singer.
Discant-SchliiSSel (Ger.) The soprano clef, the C clef on the first line.
Discant-Stimmen (Ger.), or Discant-Register (Ger.). The
organ stops which comprise only the treble, not the bass notes. They are also calied Halbe-Stimmtn, half-stops. DlSCantuS (Lat.). Discant (o.v.).
Discord, (i) A dissonant interval, an interval that does not satisfy the ear, but causes unrest. The opposite of a discord is a concord. (2) A chord which contains one or more dissonant intervals, and which, on account of its unsatisfying and disquieting effect, requires to be resolved into a consonant chord, {v. Introduction, , VIII.)
Discreto (It.). Discreet, in a discreet manner.
Discrezione (It.). Discretion. COM discrezione, with discretion I.*., with subordination to the intention of the composer or to the rendering of the performer of the principal part.
Disdiapason (Gk.). The interval of two octaves, a fifteenth.
Disinvolto (It.). Free, easy, graceful.
Disis (Ger.). D double sharp.
Disjunct motion. Motion by skips. Conjunct motion is motion
by degrees of the scale. Dis moll (Ger.). D sharp minor. Disperato (It.). Desperate, hopeless.
Dispersed harmony. Harmony in which the notes are at wide intervals from each other, so that between the treble and alto, between the alto and tenor, and between the tenor and bass there are to be found notes belonging to the chord left unem-ployed, (v. Close harmony.)
Dissonance. A combination of disagreeing sounds.
Dissonant. Discordant, disagreeing. A dissonant interval is onf that does not satisfy the ear, but causes unrest. A dissonant chord is one that contains one or more such intervals. The opposite of "dissonance" is "consonance." (v. Dissonance.)
Dissonare (It.). To discord.
Distanza (It.). Distance. For instance, of an interval. Distinto (It.). Distinct, clear.
Distonare, or Stonare (It.). To sing or play out of tune.
Dithyrambus (Gk.). A hymn in honour of Bacchus. The epithet dithyrambic is applied to lyrical compositions (in words and tones) of a wild, impetuous, and enthusiastic character.
Dito(It.). A finger.
Ditone. The major third, the interval consisting of two tones. Ditonos (Gk.), Ditonus (Lat.). Ditone. Ditty. A short, simple song.
Divertimento (It.). 1 (I) A light, entertaining composition,
Divertissement (Fr.). ) consisting of a series of pieces, which may be in any form. (2) A composition consisting of a number of movements or simple tunes loosely strung together. A pot pourri. (3) Formerly the name of a series of dances or songs in-serted in the acts of operas, ballets, and plays. (4) Now a short ballet with little or no action, often a mere medley of dances.
Divisi (It.). The plural form of divisa, divided. This term occurs frequently in orchestral scores and the parts of the stringed instruments. It signifies that where two or more simultaneous notes are written these have to be divided between the several performers of the part in question.
Division. (1) A variation of a simple theme. (2) A long note divided into short notes. A series of notes forming a chain of sounds and in vocal music sung to one syllable. To run a division is to execute such a series of notes.
Divotamente (It.). Devoutly; affectionately.
Divoto (It.). Devout 1 affectionate. In a devout 01 affectionate manner.
Dixième (Fr.). Tenth. The interval of a tenth. D moll (Ger.). D minor.
Do. (1) The name given by the Italians to the note C. It took in the seventeenth century the place of the earlier ut, which is still retained in France. (2) In the Tonic Sol-fa system Do is the name of the first note of every scale.
Doctor of Music (Lat. : Doctor Musicts). The higher of the two musical degrees conferred by the Universities and Royal College of Music ; the other is that of Bachelor of Music.
Dodecachordon (Gk.). (1) A twelve-stringed instrument. (2) A celebrated treatise by Henricus Glareanus.
Dodecuplet. A group of notes formed by the division of a bar or part of a bar into twelve portions of equal length.
Doigt (Fr.). Finger.
Doigté (Fr.). Fingered.
Dolce (It.). Sweet, soft.
Dolcemente (It.). Sweetly, softly.
Dolcezza (It.). Sweetness.Con dolcezza, with sweetness.
DolcianO, or Dolcino (It.). (1) Dulcian, or Dulciana, an obso-lete instrument of the bassoon species. (2) Dulciana, a soft-toned organ stop.
DolcissimO (It.). Superlative of dokt. Very sweet and soft ; witk great sweetness.
Dolents (It.). Doleful, plaintive, sad.
Dolentemente (It.). Dolefully, plaintively, sadly.
Dolore (It.). Pain, grief, pangs.Con dolore, vith an expression of
grief, distress, sorrow. DolorOSamente (H.). Sorrowfully. Doloroso (It.). Dolorous, afflicted, sorrowful. DolzflÖte (Ger.). (i) An obsolete kind of oross-flute. (2) A soft-
toned organ stop. Domchor (Ger.). A cathedral choir.
Dominant, (t) The fifth degree of the scale. (2) In Plain Chant the dominant is only in some of the modes the fifth degree of the scale ; in others it is the third, the fourth, &c. [v. Appendix.)
Dopo(It.). After.
Doppel-B (Ger.). A double flat (?7)o
Doppelflöte (Get.). Double flute. An organ stop.
Doppelfuge (Ger.). Double fugue, (v. Fugue.)
Doppelflügel (Ger.). Double grand pianoforte. (1) An instru-ment invented in the last century, also called Diaplasion and Vis-a-vis. It had at both ends one or two keyboards which acted upon two separate sets of strings. (2) Piano ä claviers renversh (q.v.}.
Doppelgeige (Ger.). Viola dainore (q.v.).
Doppelgriffe (Ger.). Double stops on the violin, viola, violon-cello, &c.
Doppelkreuz (Ger.). A double sharp ( x ). Doppeloctave (Ger.). The interval of two octaves. Doppelschlag (Ger.). A turn. Doppio(It.). Double.
Doppio movimento (It.). Double movement. A movement
twice as quick as the one preceding it. Doppio pedale (It.). This signifies, in organ music, the pedal
part in octaves.
Dorian. (1) In the ancient Greek system, the octave species tf g a b c J e, and one of the transpositioi > scales. (2) In the ecclesiastical system, the octave species d*f g abed, the first (authentic) mode.
Dot. (1) A point, placed after a note, increases its duration one half. (2) A point placed above or below a note indicates that the latter has to be played staccato (detached). If there is at the same time a slur, the notes thus marked are played mezzo staccato (lit., "half-detached "). (3) v. p. 56.
Double (Fr.). Variation. Doubles may be defined as re-petitions of a song, dance tune, or instrumental air ornamented with figures, graces, diminutions, runs, &c. The term ii obsolete.
Double bar. Two thick lines drawn vertically through the stave, showing the end of a part or piece.
Double bass. This instrument, the largest member of the violin family and the fundamental part of the orchestra, has generally either three or four strings. In Germany the double bass is tuned as under (a), in England most frequently as under (b), and in Italy and France as under {c). The double bass sounds the notes an octave lower than they are written.*
(") (t) (e)
Double bassoon. This instrument is an octave lower in pitch than the bassoon. Its extreme compass extends from the double contra B flat to the small F (/?? to/). The compass of a double bassoon designed by Dr. \V. II. Stone, and made by Haseneier of Coblentz, extends from C, to c'.
Double Bemol (Fr.). Double flat
Double chant, v. Chant.
Double chorus. A chorus for two distinct bodies of singers. Double counterpoint, v. Counterpoint Double croche (Fr.). A semiquaver.
Double demisemiquaver. A semidemisemiquaver. A note ol half the duration of a demisemiquaver, the 64th part of a semi-breve, (v. Introduction, pp. 1720.)
Double diapason. An organ stop of 16-feet pitch.
Double diese (Fr.). Double sharp( x ).
Double drum. A drum beaten at both ends.
Double flageolet. A flageolet with two tubes and one mouth piece, on which tunes in thirds or sixths can be played.
Double flat. The sign pi?, which indicates that the note before which it is placed has to be sung or played two semitones lower.
Double fugue, v. Fugue.
Double octave. The interval of a fifteenth.
Double pedal-point. The sustaining of the tonic and dominant by two parts whilst other parts above them move on in varying harmonies, (v. Pedal-point and Sustained notes.)
Double quartet. A piece for two sets of four voices or instru ments.
Double reed. v. Reed.
Double sharp. The sign x , which indicates that the note before which it is placd has to be sung or played two semitones higher.
Double-stopping. The simultaneous playing of two notes on the violin, viola, violoncello, &c. (v. Stop.)
Double-tonguing. An action of the tongue employed in flute and trumpet playing for the purpose of producing a clear articula-tion of rapid notes. In different countries and by different teachers different syllables are recommended for double-tonguing.
Double-triple (Fr.). f time.
Double trumpet. A 16-feet organ reed-stop.
Doublette (Fr. ). (i) A 2-feet organ stop. (2) An organ stop o( two ranks of pipes.
Doucement (Fr.)- Gently, softly.
Doux (Fr.). Sweet, gentle, smooth.
Douzième (Fr.). Twelfth. The interval of a twelfth.
Downbeat. The accented part or parts of a bar at which in beating time the hand or foot falls, {v. Thesis.)
Downbow. The drawing of the bow in playing a stringed instru-ment from the nut to the head.
Doxology (Gk. ). A form or expression of praise and honour to God ; but more especially the Gloria in excelsis Deo (Glory to God in the highest) and the Gloria patri etfilio et spiritui sanclo (Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost). The former is called the greater doxology (doxologia maior), the latter the lesser {doxologia minor).
Drahtsaiten (Ger.). Wire strings.
Dramma lirico (It.). "j
Dramma per musica (It.). J-Lyrical, musical drama; opera (q.v.\.
Dramma musicale (It.). J
Drammaticamente (It.). Dramatically. Drammatico (It.). Dramatic. Drängend (Ger. ). Hurrying, urging.
Dreher (Ger. ). A waltz-like dance of Bohemian and Austrian origin.
It is in -| time, and of moderate movement. Drehorgel (Ger.). A barrel-organ.
Dreichörig (Ger.). (1) A pianoforte with three strings to each note (a trichord) is said to be dreichbrig. (2) For three choirs.
Dreiklang (Ger.). A triad, a chord consisting of a root, or funda-mental note, its third, and its fifth. Dreistimmig (Ger.). In three parts. Dritta (It.). V. Diritta.
Driving notes. An old-fashioned name for syncopated notes.
Droite (Fr.). Right.Main droite, right hand.
Drone. The two or three pipes of the bagpipes which furnish the fixed and unvarying accompaniment to the melody of the chanter, the third or fourth pipe. A drone bass is often found in orchestral and other instrumental works, (it. Bagpipe.)
Drücker (Oer. ). Asticker.
Drum. An instrument of percussion consisting of one or two skins stretched uver a frame frequently cylindrical in form and always circular at the top. There are a great many kinds of drums the Tambourine, Side-drum, Bass, or Big, drum, Kettle-drum, &c.the most important of which will be noted in their places.
Ductus (Lat.). Melodic movement, or order of successive notes, which may be : (i) rectus, directi.e., ascending ; (2) revenus. or revertens, reversedi.e., descending ; or (3) circumcurrens, circumcurrenti.e., ascending and descending.
Dudelsack (Ger.). Bagpipe.
Due (It-). Two. v. A due.
Due COrd.6 (It. ). Two strings.
A duet.
Duet, ( I ) A composition for two voices or instruments. (2) A com-position for two performers on the pianoforte, harmonium, or organ. (3) A composition for the organ in two parts to be played on two manuals.
Duetto (It.).
Due volte (It.). Twice.
Dulcian. v. Dolciano.
Dulcimer, A very ancient instrument whose principal parts are a wooden frame, a sound-board with one or several sound-holes, two bridges, and appliances for the fastening and tuning of the wire strings with which it is strung. The dulcimer is played upon with two hammers.
Duo (It.). A duet.
Duodecima (It.). Twelfth. The interval of a twelfth. Duodecimole (Ger.). v. Dodecuplet.
Duodramma (It.). Duodrama. A dramatic piece for two per-formers ; more especially a spoken drama with musical accom-paniments, a kind of melodrama (g.v.).
Duoi (It.). The same as due.
Duolo (It.). Grief.Con duo.'o, with an expression of grief. Dur (Ger.). Major
Duramente (It-)- Haishly.
Durchcomponiren (Ger.). Lit., "to compose through." A durchcomponirtes Lied, " a through-composed song," is a song of which each verse has a setting of its own, whilst in other songs one setting serves for all verses.
Durchfuhrung' (Ger.). Working-out, development of a subject 01 subjects, (v. Introduction, § XIU., pp. 29, 30, &c.)
Durchgang'Stone (Ger.). Passing notes.Durchgekend, passing
DureZZa (It.). Hardness, harshness.
Duro (It.). Hard, harsh.
Durus, dura, durum (Lat.). Hard.B durum, B natural Cantus durus and hexachordum durum, a hexachord and music consisting of the notes g a b c d e. The first, fourth, and seventh hexachords were called "hard." {v. Mollis, Naturalis, and Solmisation.)
Duster (Ger.). Gloomy.
Dux (Lat.). Lit., "leader, guide." The proposition, or subject, of a fugue.