Quadrat (Ger.). The sign which revokes sharps and flats, the natural (Jj).
Quadratmusik (Ger.). "Square music," musica quadrata. The old mensurable music has been thus called because of the shape of its notes.
Quadricinium (Lat.). A composition in four parts. Quadriglia (It.). A quadrille.
Quadrille (Fr.). A favourite dance, which consists of a series of five or six contre-danses respectively called Le Pantalon, L'Été, La Poule, La Pastourelle, La Trénise, and La Finale. Although La Pastourelle and La Trénise are properly alternative figures, they are sometimes included in one and the same quadrille. The movements of the several figures are in f and * lime.
Quadruple Counterpoint. Counterpoint in four parts that ar
mutually invertible. Quadruple Croche (Fr.). A semidemisemiquaver. Quarta (Lat. and It.). Tne interval of a fourth.—Quarta modi, or
quarta toni, the fourth degree of a scale, the subdominant. Quart de soupir (Fr.). A semiquaver rest.
Quarte (Fr. and Ger.). The interval of a fourth.—Quarte du to.t,
the fourth degree of a scale, the subdominant. Quartenfolgen and Quartenparallelen (Ger.). Consecutive,
or parallel, fourths. Quartett (Ger.), QuartettO (It.). A quartet, a composition for
four voices or instruments. Quartfagott (Ger. ). A bassoon larger than the ordinary one and
a fourth lower in pitch. Quartflöte (Ger.). A flute smaller than the ordinary one and a
fourth higher in pitch. Quartgeige (Ger.). A violin smaller than the ordinary one and a
fourth higher in pitch. The violino piccolo. Quasi (Lat. and It.). Almost; as if, just as, as it were.—Andante
quasi allegretto, an andante almost as quick as an allegretto.—
Sonata quasi una Fantasia, a sonata somewhat like a fantasia. Quatorzième (Fr.). The interval of a fourteenth. Quatre (Fr.). Four.—À quatre mains, for four hands. Quatricinium (Lat.). A composition in four parts. Quattricroma (It.). A semidemisemiquaver. Quattro (It.). Four.—A quattro mani, for four hands. Quatuor (Fr.). A quartet.
Quaver. A note or rest equal to one-half of a crotchet and one-eighth of a semibreve. (v. Introduction, § IX., p. 17.) Querflöte (Ger.). The cross-flute, German flute, flûte traversiire. Querpfeife (Ger.). The small cross-flute, the fife. Querstand (Ger.). False relation.
Queue(Fr.). Lit., "tail." (i)The tail-piece of a violin, violoncello, or similarly constructed instrument. (2) The stem of a note. (3) A piano à queue is a grand piano, a " piano with a tail."
Quieto (It.). Quiet, calm, peaceful.
Quindecime (Ger.). The interval of a fifteenth.
Quint (Ger.). ».Quinte.
Quinta (Lat. and It.). The interval of a fifth.—Quinta modi. Of Quinta toni, the fifth degree of a scale, the dominant.*
Quintabschluss (Ger.). A semi cadence, a close on the dominant, {v. Cadence.)
Quinta décima (Lat. and It. ). The interval of a fifteenth.
Quintatön (Ger.). An organ stop of stopped pipes which sound the twelfth with the fundamental tone.
Quinte (Ger.). (i) The interval of a fifth. (2) The name of organ stops of various pitch, all of them, however, sounding a fifth higher than the foundation stops. (3) The Estring of the violin.
Quinte (Fr.). v. i and 2 of the preceding article. Quintenfolgeil and Quintenparallelen (Ger.). Consecutive,
or parallel, fifths. Quinter (Fr.). To sing in fifths.
Quinterna. An obsolete species of guitar. The same as Chiterna. Quintes cachées (Fr.). Hidden fifths.
Quintett (Ger.), Quintetto (It.). A quintet, a composition in
five parts or for five voices or instruments. Quintfagott (Ger.). A bassoon smaller than the common one and
a fifth higher in pitch. Quintfuge (Ger.). Fugue at the fifth—i.e., our ordinary fugue. Quintoier, or Quintoyer (Fr.). v. Quinter. Quintóle (Ger. ). A quintuplet. Quintuor (Fr.). A quintet.
Quintuplet. A group of five notes which divide a bar or part of a
bar into five equal portions. Quintviole (Ger.). An organ stop of 2%-feet pitch. Quinzième (Fr.). The interval of a fifth. Quire. A choir.
Quodlibet (Lat.). Lit., " what you please." A medley consisting of a simultaneous or consecutive joining together of various tunes. In most cases a comical effect is aimed at. The only kind of quodlibet now surviving is the pot-pourri.