Pictures of
Gioacchino Rossini
Italian composer
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Rossini was an opera composer, and is especially well-known for his comic operas. Some of his great operas include Tancredi, The Italian Girl in Algiers, The Barber of Seville, Semiramide, William Tell and Cinderella.

Portrait of Gioachino Rossini in 1820.
Artist: Unknown. This portrait is currently located in Room 7 of the Museo internazionle e biblioteca della musica di Bologna (International Museum and Library of Music, Bologna, Italy).

Three depictions of the great soprano, Isabella Angela Colbran, whom Rossini married in 1822 and for whom he wrote many major roles in his operas.
The third image above of Colbran is of a painting on display in the International Museum and Library of Music, Bologna, Italy.

Caricature of Rossini (when he composer was 75) by H. Mailly on the cover of the issue of the French satirical magazine, Le Hanneton, dated July 4, 1867
A copy of this magazine is held by the Bibliothèque nationale de France (National Library of France), Paris, France.

A room with items related to Rossini and 19th century opera. Items include Rossini's grand piano (constructed by Pleyel in 1844), portraits of Rossini and the singer and Rossini's first wife, Isabella Colbran, the original score of The Barber of Seville, and various personal effects of Rossini, such as his dressing gown, chair and wig.
This room may be visited in the Museo internazionle e biblioteca della musica di Bologna (International Museum and Library of Music, Bologna, Italy).

Portrait of Rossini on a postage stamp issued by Italy in 1968.

A Rossini portrait and signature, a program for Rossini's opera, Il Barbiere di Seviglia (The Barber of Seville), and Figaro, who is a factotum (servant managing his master's affairs) and the barber of Seville and is the main character in this opera, are all here depicted on a postage stamp issued by Bulgaria in 1992 to commemorate the bicentennial anniversary of Rossini's birth.

A portrait of Rossini along with a scene from his famous opera buffa, Il Barbiere di Seviglia, ossia l'inutile precauzione (The Barber of Seville, or the Futile Precaution), accompanied by a view of singers performing the opera's aria, "La calunnia è un venticello" (Calumny is a Little Breeze), appear on this postage stamp issued by San Marino in 1999.

A young Rossini as portrayed on a Wills cigarette card.
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Author: David Paul Wagner
(David Paul Wagner on Google+)
Note: This picture gallery page includes drawings, paintings, photos and images of Gioacchino Rossini, his music, activities, friends and family, and the various places where the composer lived and wrote.