Trumpet Pictures
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The modern B Flat Trumpet
(used in orchestras, and jazz, dance, and military bands)


Man playing trumpet

An angel plays a trumpet or horn while bells toll in the background.

Man blowing a trumpet. He is wearng a sword and mounted on beautiful white horse.

Messenger seated on a decorated horse and blowing a trumpet.
This card (being sold to raise funds for the Red Cross) is celebrating the 75th anniversary of the independence of the Kingdom of Belgium (1830-1905).
The caption reads (in translation): "Kingdom of Belgium. Jubilee Celebrations. Grand Historical and Allegorical Parade, Brussels, 22 July-15 August 1905."

Street musician playing a trumpet in Lancaster, England, c. 1908.

A postcard (c. 1910) celebrating Rag-Time music: a street seller stands by his cart while he plays a trumpet.
This card was was in the Rag Time series (No 502) and was published by Bamforth.

Sheet with Studies of a Standing Trumpeter, Hands and Arms
(Dutch title: Studies van een staande trompetter en studies van handen en armen).
Artist: Abraham Bloemaert (1564-1651)
Date: 1624-26. Medium: Red chalk, heightened with white body colour on light-brown paper.
Current location: Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
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Author: David Paul Wagner
(David Paul Wagner on Google+)
Note: This picture gallery page features photos (photographs) of trumpets, plus drawings, paintings, diagrams, images and illustrations of them.