Piano Pictures
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Student to her piano teacher: "If I am making progress, it's because I'm happy." (Si je fais des progès, c'est que je suis heureux.)
French postcard of early 20th century.

Tiny tot commenting on her piano practice:
"I'll learn 'em to learn ME music!"
English postcard, 1920.

Piano and trumpet music does not always sound sweet!
This is the suggestion of this 1914 English postcard depicting children running riot with a piano and a trumpet.

A singer's voice soars in the song "Let me dream again" (first published in 1881 with music by Arthur S. Sullivan and lyrics by B. C. Stephenson):
Is this a dream? then waking would be pain;
Oh, do not wake me! let me dream again.
Roses cast at the singer's feet and a silver-moustachied maesto playing a piano in the background: that would certainly have been the dream of many singers of the above-pictured singer's era!

A singer and a pianist present "Sweet and Low", a 19th century lullaby written by Lord Tennyson. It begins with the words:
Sweet and low, sweet and low,
Wind of the western sea,
Low, low, breathe and blow,
Wind of the western sea!
Over the rolling waters go,
Come from the dying moon, and blow,
Blow him again to me

A Valentine's Day greeting card depicting a young lady palying the piano and singing to the object of her affections -- but without success.
"I want someone to Love me, " she sings. Her beau replies: "I'm afraid you'll have to keep on wanting; for it's not the Song that reached my Heart".
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Piano History
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Author: David Paul Wagner
(David Paul Wagner on Google+)
Note: This picture gallery page features photos (photographs) of pianos, plus drawings, paintings, diagrams, images and illustrations of them.